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미국 생활 라인업/Health

미 의료 개혁 관련 주요 용어 설명

by 밝은터_NJT 2009. 9. 8.

미국 의료 개혁 관련 주요 용어를 설명한 내용입니다. LA타임스가 올린 기사입니다.

Single-payer system: Sometimes called "Medicare for all," a system in which one entity (typically the government) arranges payment for everybody's medical care. Advocates of a single-payer system say it would simplify paperwork, eliminate administrative costs and more easily achieve universal coverage; opponents call it socialized medicine.

Public option: Also called a government-run plan, this insurance policy would be offered alongside private plans within the exchange. The goal would be to insure more people by offering more choices and by setting reimbursement rates for doctors and hospitals -- which might prompt insurance companies to cut premiums in order to compete, proponents say.

기사 읽기: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/healthcare/la-na-health-glossary6-2009sep06,0,2720250.story
