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#JungHooLee Ranks Joint 7th in Popularity Among South Korean Athletes #이정후 한국인이 좋아하는 스포츠 스타 공동 7위. [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee (May & June 2024)] #JungHooLee Ranks Joint 7th in Popularity Among South Korean Athletes #이정후 한국인이 좋아하는 스포츠 스타 공동 7위. [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee (May & June 2024)] Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집).  https://newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1804&thread=24r07r01 2024. 6. 13.
#이정후 10일 #부상자명단 등재 Lee Placed on 10-Day #InjuryList [B-Log, #JungHooLee (May 13, 2024) #이정후 10일 #부상자명단 등재 Lee Placed on 10-Day #InjuryList [B-Log, #JungHooLee (May 13, 2024)] Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집). https://newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1804&thread=24r07r01#바람의손자 #grandsonofthewind 2024. 5. 14.
이정후 어깨 또는 손목 부상 Lee's shoulder or wrist injury [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee (May 12, 2024) 이정후 어깨 또는 손목 부상 Lee's shoulder or wrist injury [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee (May 12, 2024)] Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집). From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Wind https://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1804&thread=24r07r01 2024. 5. 13.
이정후 이마나가 넘어설 시간 충분!-SI | Lee Has Enough Time to Surpass Imanaga! [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee (May 11, 2024) 이정후 이마나가 넘어설 시간 충분!-SI | Lee Has Enough Time to Surpass Imanaga! [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee (May 11, 2024)] Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집). From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Wind https://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1804&thread=24r07r01 2024. 5. 12.
#이정후 #3안타 경기, #배럴%는 여전히 낮아 Lee hits three, but barrel percentage remains low. [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee (May 7, 2024)] #이정후 #3안타 경기, #배럴%는 여전히 낮아 Lee hits three, but barrel percentage remains low. [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee (May 7, 2024)] Legacy in the Making: #JungHooLee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집) https://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1804&thread=24r07r01 2024. 5. 8.
'바람의 손자?' 엄청난 플레이 했지요, 마이크업의 브랜든 마시 '바람의 손자?' 엄청난 플레이 했지요, 마이크업의 브랜든 마시 | ESPN의 마이크업을 통해 이정후에 대해 두 번이나 언급 “바람의 손자? Lee? 엄청난 플레이를 했지요” ​ 필라델피아 필리스의 좌익수 브랜든 마시는 5일(미국기준) ESPN 일요일 밤 야구 중계에서 마이크 업의 주인공이었다. 마이크 업(mic'd up)은 경기 중인 선수에게 마이크를 착용하게 한 후, 경기 중에 해설진과 대화를 하도록 하는 ESPN이 2020년에 도입한 혁신적인 중계 방법이다. ​ 5일 마이크 업의 주인공은 마시였다. 마시는 “바람의 손자를 들어봤냐”는 중계진의 질문에 다음과 같이 답했다. [다음 내용은 아래 기사 링크에서] https://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=18.. 2024. 5. 6.
[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee (May 2, 2024)] 이정후 무안타 부진? 최고의 하이라이트 제공 [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee (May 2, 2024)] 이정후 무안타 부진? 최고의 하이라이트 제공 | Despite No Hits, Lee Delivers the Game's Top Highlight Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집). From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Windhttps://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1804&thread=24r07r01 2024. 5. 3.
[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(April 2024)] 이정후 선전만큼은 했다. Lee Jung-hoo has performed as well as advertised [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(April 2024)] 이정후 선전만큼은 했다. Lee Jung-hoo has performed as well as advertised Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집). From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Windhttps://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1724&thread=24r07r01 2024. 5. 1.
[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.27)] 이정후 3타수1안타, 1볼넷, 베일리 9회말 끝내기 3점홈런. Lee went 1-for-3 with a walk, and Bailey hit a walk-off three-run homer [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.27)] 이정후 3타수1안타, 1볼넷, 베일리 9회말 끝내기 3점홈런. Lee went 1-for-3 with a walk, and Bailey hit a walk-off three-run homer | Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집). From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Wind https://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1724&thread=24r07r01 2024. 4. 27.
[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.24)] 이정후 기록지를 0으로만 채운 3번째 경기 [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.24)] 이정후 기록지를 0으로만 채운 3번째 경기. Lee's third game filling the record with zeros. Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집). From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Windhttps://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1724&thread=24r07r01 2024. 4. 24.
[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.23)] 이정후 안타 1개, 볼넷1개, 1득점. Lee scored one run, secured one hit, and drew one walk. [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.23)] 이정후 안타 1개, 볼넷1개, 1득점. Lee scored one run, secured one hit, and drew one walk. Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집). From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Wind ​ https://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1724&thread=24r07r01 ​ 2024. 4. 23.
[B-Log, #JungHooLee(04.21)] #이정후 #MLB 완벽 적응. 한 달도 안됐는데...Lee has perfectly adapted to MLB in less than a month. [B-Log, #JungHooLee(04.21)] #이정후 #MLB 완벽 적응. 한 달도 안됐는데...Lee has perfectly adapted to MLB in less than a month. Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집). https://newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1724&thread=24r07r01 #Giants #메이저리그야구 #junghooleefan 2024. 4. 21.
[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.18)] 이정후와 오타니의 장점만 합해진다면...역대급 타자! If Jung Hoo Lee and Ohtani's strengths were combined... a legendary hitter! [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.18)] 이정후와 오타니의 장점만 합해진다면...역대급 타자! If Jung Hoo Lee and Ohtani's strengths were combined... a legendary hitter! Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집). From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Wind https://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1724&thread=24r07r01 2024. 4. 18.
[B-Log, Ohtani (04.17)] 오타니와 이정후 타격능력 합하면 역대급 타자 | Leetani, a virtual batter combining the skills of Shohei Ohtani and Lee Jung Hoo. [B-Log, Ohtani (04.17)] 오타니와 이정후 타격능력 합하면 역대급 타자 | Leetani, a virtual batter combining the skills of Shohei Ohtani and Lee Jung Hoo. https://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1768&thread=24r07r01 2024. 4. 18.
[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.17)] 왜 갑자기 3번타자? Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집) From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Wind [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.17)] 왜 갑자기 3번타자? Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집) From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Wind https://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1724&thread=24r07r01 ​ #이정후 #junghoolee #이정후3번타자 ​ 2024. 4. 17.
[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.16)] 1번타자 입지 굳힌다. Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집) From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Wind [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.16)] 1번타자 입지 굳힌다. Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집) From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Wind https://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1724&thread=24r07r01 ​ ​ 2024. 4. 16.
[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.15)] 스윗스팟 비율 높여야. Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집) From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Wind [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.15)] 스윗스팟 비율 높여야. Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집) From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Wind https://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1724&thread=24r07r01 2024. 4. 15.
[B-Log(04.10)] #이정후 2경기 연속 #멀티히트. Jung Hoo Lee had two successive multi-hit games [B-Log(04.10)] #이정후 2경기 연속 #멀티히트. Jung Hoo Lee had two successive multi-hit games | Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee’s MLB Journey (이정후 특집) From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of ‘The Grandson of the Wind ​ https://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1724&thread=24r07r01 ​ #junghoolee #baseballlog #b_log ​ 2024. 4. 10.