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[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.27)] 이정후 3타수1안타, 1볼넷, 베일리 9회말 끝내기 3점홈런. Lee went 1-for-3 with a walk, and Bailey hit a walk-off three-run homer [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.27)] 이정후 3타수1안타, 1볼넷, 베일리 9회말 끝내기 3점홈런. Lee went 1-for-3 with a walk, and Bailey hit a walk-off three-run homer | Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집). From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Wind https://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1724&thread=24r07r01 2024. 4. 27.
[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.24)] 이정후 기록지를 0으로만 채운 3번째 경기 [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.24)] 이정후 기록지를 0으로만 채운 3번째 경기. Lee's third game filling the record with zeros. Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집). From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Windhttps://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1724&thread=24r07r01 2024. 4. 24.
[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.23)] 이정후 안타 1개, 볼넷1개, 1득점. Lee scored one run, secured one hit, and drew one walk. [B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.23)] 이정후 안타 1개, 볼넷1개, 1득점. Lee scored one run, secured one hit, and drew one walk. Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집). From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Wind ​ https://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=1724&thread=24r07r01 ​ 2024. 4. 23.