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[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.29)] 이정후 영양가 만점 1안타 [B-Log, Ohtani (04.29)] 역대급 1,2번 듀오 오늘은 부진

by 밝은터_NJT 2024. 4. 29.

Photo by  Erik Drost. Mookie Betts

[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.29)] 이정후 영양가 만점 1안타. Lee Delivers a High-Impact Single Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집). From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Wind



[B-Log, Ohtani (04.29)] 역대급 1,2번 듀오 오늘은 부진.Historic Top of the Order Duo Struggles Today GOATani in the Making: Ohtani Shohei's MLB Journey (오타니 특집)


