뉴저널리스트 투데이/이정후
[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.18)] 이정후와 오타니의 장점만 합해진다면...역대급 타자! If Jung Hoo Lee and Ohtani's strengths were combined... a legendary hitter!
by 밝은터_NJT
2024. 4. 18.
[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.18)] 이정후와 오타니의 장점만 합해진다면...역대급 타자! If Jung Hoo Lee and Ohtani's strengths were combined... a legendary hitter! Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집). From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Wind
[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.23)] 이정후 안타 1개, 볼넷1개, 1득점. Lee scored one run, secured one hit, and drew one walk. (0) |
2024.04.23 |
[B-Log, #JungHooLee(04.21)] #이정후 #MLB 완벽 적응. 한 달도 안됐는데...Lee has perfectly adapted to MLB in less than a month. (0) |
2024.04.21 |
[B-Log, Ohtani (04.17)] 오타니와 이정후 타격능력 합하면 역대급 타자 | Leetani, a virtual batter combining the skills of Shohei Ohtani and Lee Jung Hoo. (0) |
2024.04.18 |
[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.17)] 왜 갑자기 3번타자? Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집) From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Wind (0) |
2024.04.17 |
[B-Log, Jung Hoo Lee(04.16)] 1번타자 입지 굳힌다. Legacy in the Making: Jung Hoo Lee's MLB Journey (이정후 특집) From KBO to MLB Stardom: The Trailblazing Path of 'The Grandson of the Wind (0) |
2024.04.16 |