기사 읽기 => https://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=2417&thread=24r08
[사설] 윤석열이 또 무슨 짓을 벌일지 모른다, 경계해야 #윤석열탄핵 #탄핵소추 #윤석열정권 #극우세력 #국민안도 #경찰차벽 #공수처 #윤석열체포 #내란범보호 #이승환콘서트취소 #내란특검 #김건희특검 #헌법재판소 #한덕수권한대행 #우원식의장 #계엄령 #내란동조죄
Read the column => https://www.newjournalist.today/detail.php?number=2418&thread=24r08
[Editorial] An "American Pie"-Loving 5-Year-Old: The Unpredictability of South Korea's President
#PoliticalCrisis #SouthKorea #Impeachment #YoonSukYeol #DemocracyAtRisk #VigilanceRequired #ConstitutionalLaw #JusticeForAll #CrisisManagement #LegalAccountability #Insurrection #DemocraticNorms #RuleOfLaw #GlobalAlliances #PoliticalStability
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President Yoon Suk Yeol and his wife Kim Keon-hee are crazy (0) | 2024.12.04 |
[+영상][윤석열-Log] 윤대통령은 프로 불참러 (0) | 2024.11.04 |
국민의힘 전당대회 아쉬운 점 3가지 (1) | 2024.07.23 |